American Carbon Registry and California Offset Projects

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013
Noon – 1:30 EST / 9:00 – 10:30 PST
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) has approved the American Carbon Registry (ACR) as an Offset Project Registry (OPR) for the California Cap-and-Trade Program. Please join ACR for this webinar to learn how as an OPR, ACR will work with ARB to oversee the registration and issuance of California-eligible Registry Offset Credits developed using ARB’s compliance protocols and Early Action Offset Credits developed using the ARB-approved early action offset protocols. Registry Offset Credits and Early Action Offset Credits are eligible to be transitioned into ARB compliance offset credits that may be used in the Cap-and-Trade Program.
Belinda Morris, Niholas Martin and Lauren Nichols of ACR will present the steps to list and verify offset projects under early action and compliance protocols as well as the process to issue Registry Offset Credits and Early Action Offset Credits on ACR and transition projects to the ARB registry for issuance of compliance offsets.