REDD Offset Working Group Recommendations for Linkages with California’s Cap-and-Trade Program

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013
4:00-5:00 EST / 1:00 – 2:00 PST
On January 24th 2013 the REDD Offset Working Group (ROW) released its draft recommendations on how the states of California, Chiapas and Acre can link together to develop the world’s first sector-based, jurisdictional REDD+ offset program within a cap and trade compliance system. The report is available at
Join ACR’s featured speakers from the REDD Offset Working Group: Tony Brunello, Green Technologies Leadership Group; Daniel Nepstad, Amazon Institute of Environmental Research; and Ludovino Lopes, Consultant to the Secretary of Environment for the State of Acre, Brazil for an overview of the ROW recommendations including design elements of compliance-grade REDD+ programs, legal and institutional issues associated with subnational linkages, and social and environmental safeguards.