Version: 2.0
Published: June 3, 2023
ACR Risk Tool – v2.0 – Public Comment Version
Tool for Reversal Risk Analysis and Buffer Pool Contribution Determination
- The American Carbon Registry (ACR) announces an open public comment period for updates to the Tool for Reversal Risk Analysis and Buffer Pool Contribution Determination. The Risk Tool is used by projects in the Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector who choose to utilize the ACR buffer pool to compensate for unintentional reversals to determine a project-specific risk rating and buffer pool contribution rate.
- The proposed updates touch on all aspects of the Risk Tool and most notably include new methods for calculating project-specific and spatially explicit natural disaster risks using publicly available geographic datasets on wildfire, flooding, and insect and disease risks. Projects located in higher reversal risk areas contribute more, while projects located in lower risk areas contribute less. These updates aim to objectively and transparently ensure the solvency of the ACR buffer pool through an evidence-based risk assessment framework.
- The public comment period has closed. Risk Tool v2.0 will go into effect Spring 2023.
- ACR hosted a webinar on February 22 2023 to provide an overview of new updates in the 2.0 version of ACR's risk tool and answer questions from stakeholders. To view a recording of the webinar, click here.

Version 2.0